Champion 3100 Watt Inverter Generator Review: Quiet, Reliable Power

Champion 3100W inverter generator

Note: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

I’ve been finding more inverter generators in the 3000 watt to 3500 watt range lately. This Champion inverter generator fits right in that category.

I am fortunate to live in an area where the power is quite reliable. In fact, I can only remember losing power on a couple of occasions in that past nearly-30 years, and each of those times, it was only for a few hours.

We don’t live in hurricane territory, nor do we live in a remote area. Here in southeastern Wisconsin, our main worries are tornadoes and blizzards, neither of which are frequent or have much effect on the power grid.

But enough about me. We now return to our regularly scheduled review of the Champion Power Equipment 3100W dual fuel inverter generator.

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