Kipor Portable Generator Reviews: Are They Without Equal?

Note: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Kipor portable generators are yellow. I suppose this is partly to distinguish them from other popular brands that are primarily red (Honda) and blue (Yamaha). Kipor (pronounced, kee-pore) assigns the name Sinemaster to their line of digital inverter generators. They probably had the …

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Cummins Onan RV Generators: They Should Just Run, Shouldn’t They?

Cummins Onan RV QG 2800 generator
Onan RV QG 2800 generator

Note: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Cummins Onan (aka, Cummins Power Systems, since the early 1990s) nearly has a monopoly on the recreational vehicle (RV) market when it comes to generators. They still put just “Onan” on the machines themselves, and you will still see mention of Onan RV generators online and in print.

With the many years of experience that Cummins has had with these portable generators, you would think all their machines would work like a charm, wouldn’t you?

Many owners will take issue with that. Let’s see if we can find out why.

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Honda EG Series Portable Generators Reviews: Mostly for Your Home

Honda EG6500 portable generator
Honda EG6500 portable generator

Note: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Honda EG Series generators seem to be a cross between the EU Series (reviewed here) and the EB Series (reviewed here). These are mainly intended for home use (like the EUs) but overall have more power (like the EBs). So, you get the best of both worlds. Cool!

We’ll take a look here at the 4 main models in the EG line. You’ll see a quick comparison, via a table, of some of the more significant features of each model. We’ll also look at what distinguishes each one from the rest.

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